Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Role of the Antagonists in the Short Stories Where...
Like all great stories throughout time, a compelling villain is the key to making a story worthwhile. In short stories like, ââ¬Å"Where have you been, where are you going,â⬠and, ââ¬Å"Love in LA,â⬠a though provoking antagonist was used by the authors to really give the stories some depth. The antagonist of, ââ¬Å"Where have you beenâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Arnold Friend takes on the persona of temptation to the protagonist Connie and really emphasizes the theme of be careful what you wish for. Connie was a young girl who repeatedly met up with older more mature boys; but one day Arnold Friend arrives at her house and coerces her to leave with him. The story abruptly stops there leaving the reader hoping for more. The antagonist of, ââ¬Å"Love in LAâ⬠, Jake, an unemployed dreamer,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Arnold could be the Devil, while Jake could be the snake, and Arnold resorted to premeditated stalking to win over Connie while Jake just unexpectedly met Marianna, and finally Arnold tried to coerce Connie to come with him by promising her love and cars, etc.. and Jake just flat out lied to win over Marianna. When first reading the book, ââ¬Å"Love in LAâ⬠, the name Jake seemed reminiscent of snake, and snake could loosely be connected to the story of Adam and Eve, or temptation. Now many could also argue that in,â⬠Where have you beenâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ , the character Arnold Friend could in fact be the devil himself. While describing Arnold Friend, the author said, ââ¬Å" One of his boots was at a strange angle. It pointed out at the left, bent at the ankle.â⬠(pg 90) In most depictions of the devil, the character usually has hooves, so instead of feet stuffed oddly into his boots, could they in fact be the hooves of the devil? Even though Jake wasnââ¬â¢t portrayed as the devil in, ââ¬Å"Love in LA,â⬠he could still be a biblical character. ââ¬Å" He made up a last name and address and wrote down the name of an insurance company an old girlfriend once belonged to.â⬠(63) Like the biblical snake in the Garden of Eden, Jake showcases his sly, untrustworthy side. Both of the characters take on the personas of temptation and mischief to finally get what they want in the end of their stories. In addition to having an underlying biblical meaning, both storiesShow MoreRelatedThe White Man s Burden By Rudyard Kipling10612 Words à |à 43 Pagesââ¬ËSince freedom is our natural state, we are not only in possession of it but have the urge to defend itââ¬â¢ Ãâ°tienne De La Boà ©tie Take up the White Man s burdenââ¬â Ye dare not stoop to lessââ¬â Nor call too loudRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words à |à 1617 Pagesmymanagementlab is an online assessment and preparation solution for courses in Principles of Management, Human Resources, Strategy, and Organizational Behavior that helps you actively study and prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit www.mymanagementlab.com to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 Pagesrequest to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Robbins, Stephen P. Organizational
Ethical Complications of Genetic Engineering and Eugenics...
Genetic engineering is currently the fastest growing and perhaps most controversial field of science. Genetic engineering is decoding and manipulating DNA to use for scientific and medical purposes. The discovery that human cells can be grown in a petri dish has opened up breathtaking possibilities for curing disease - and a morass of ethical complications (Allen 9). Genetic engineering has already started to be most helpful in the field of medicine. The map of the human genome offers many cures and potentially successful medical procedures. By creating artificial chromosomes, scientists may be able to replace diseased inherited traits with functional ones. Determining the genetic make up of viruses such as the HIV virus thatâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species in 1859. In this book, he explained his theory of natural selection which is that members of species with the most desired (best-fit) traits will survive and reproduce. Eugenicists took Darwins ideas of natural selection and applied them to society and the human race. Some American and German scientists agreed the human race could be cleansed by means of artificial selection and sterilization (Proctor 10-15). In Germany, eugenics became focused on racial hygiene and was transformed into genocide. In the beginning, Nazis targeted people with handicaps or mental illnesses, those who they felt had real, medical justifications to be killed. In Grafeneck, Germany in 1940 approximately 10,000 mentally handicapped people or people with mental diseases were killed with toxic gas in the course of the Nazi euthanasia program (Wunder 1). After this they moved on to other groups that they believed tainted their Aryan race. The Nazis fabricated scientific reasons for killing gypsies, Jews, blacks, and Jehovahs witnesses along with the handicapped, saying that their brains were smaller and that they were inferior. The Holocaust was the extreme case of a groupShow MoreRelatedHuman Genetic Engineering At The Germ Line Of A Family1267 Words à |à 6 PagesContinuous advancements have been made in these fields, and thus contribute to human genetic engineering. The method of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, also known as embryonic screening, allows parents at risk of transmitting a genetic disease to ensure their future children are unaffected by the disease. Some say that it would be greatly favorable for parents to have the ability to avoid passing on a genetic disease. While there is potential to eliminate many diseases, it also has an equallyRead MoreConcerns with Mitochondrial Replacement Essay1240 Words à |à 5 Pagestechniques have only been used on animal subjects such as rhesus monkeys and mice and human zygotes that were abnormally fertilized (unipronuclear or tripronuclear) (Craven at el. 82). Because PNT and MST were used on animals- which does not have the same genetic makeup as humans- and abnormal human zygotes it is impossible to know exactly what effect the procedure will have on a human offspring. According to Reinhardt, Dowling, and Morrow, ââ¬Å"safety studies in humans have only tracked health through blastocystsRead MoreGenetically Modified Babies Essay1065 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe father, nuclear DNA from the mother, and mitochondrial DNA from a donor (Hayden, 2008). For many people this concept illustrates several ethical issues and there have been suggestions of it being a type of genetic engineering for ââ¬Ëdesigner babiesââ¬â¢ and a negative eugenic practice (Collins, 2013). Mitochondrial disease is a devastating, incurable genetic disorder that is maternally inherited and effects around 1 in 5000 of the population (Gorman et al, 2015). While the majority of DNA in humansRead MoreTaking a Look at Genetic Engineering1007 Words à |à 4 PagesGenetic Engineering With the breakthrough of scientific discoveries in recent decades, humans have attained progressively more power over Mother Nature. Specifically, genetic engineering has allowed for the modification of the genetic makeup of humans. While the power to modify genes sounds great and many possibilities, it also burdens mankind with many ethical issues. Although genetic engineering in humans is acceptable under some circumstances it is unacceptable and unethical in others. OnRead MorePros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering1662 Words à |à 7 PagesGenetic engineering is the process whereby new DNA is added or existing DNA is altered in an organism s genome. This may involve changing one base pair (A-T or C-G) or deleting entire sections of DNA or adding additional copies of a gene. This results in creating new traits that were not previously present in the organismââ¬â¢s genome. This is done to selectively breed desired traits or to create plants with increased resistance to pesticides and increased tolerance to herbicides. For example insulinRead MoreThe Ethics Of Human Cloning2096 Words à |à 9 Pagesgenes or segments of DNA (NHGRI). Unlike the first two processes, reproductive cloning produces whole copies of the original embryo rather than individual parts. Because all three of these cloning processes are very diverse and have entirely separate ethical demands of their own, it is important to differentiate them from the matter of human reproduc tive cloning. In 1996, a female sheep named Dolly became the first mammal to ever be successfully cloned; but the accomplishment of cloning Dolly came fromRead More Gene Therapy : Ethics, Progress, and Future Essay3339 Words à |à 14 PagesThe Factor of Gene Therapy: the Ethics, Progress, and Future Abstract Erasing genetic diseases from the human race has been a vital role in science. However, there is a point where the moral standards have interrupted the advancement of curing genetic diseases. One of the many sciences that have the ability to completely wipe out the future of any genetic diseases, gene therapy, is being stifled due to the infliction of morals. There is a fine line in what is inhumane and moral to the standardsRead MoreBreaking the Confines of DNA3203 Words à |à 13 Pagesof this technology are astronomical. The Human race could gain so much from just a little more research. Genetic engineering should be practiced, funded, and perfected because the potential benefits are well worth the risks associated with it. The technology for altering the genes of an organism has been around for decades. Now there are many questions about this technology: Is it ethical to completely change an organism to suit the needs of man? Is it worth the risk? Is it cost effective? WhatRead MoreGenetic Engineering : The Uncertain Future2161 Words à |à 9 PagesGenetics: The Uncertain Future Is Near Janio A Perez Rutgers Newark SN EOF August 1st, 2014 Abstract Genetic engineering is looked as a future technology but the future is fast approaching. There are many benefits of genetic engineering, such as curing diseases and creating a more intelligent population, but there are also dangers of genetic engineering, such as disrupting the human genome, and creating more social imbalance. Genetic engineering has been tested and proven to be effective in repairingRead MoreWhy Should Genetic Engineering Be Extended?1798 Words à |à 8 Pages Genetic Engineering AOS 3 ââ¬â SAC 2 IMMANUEL. A| BIOLOGY | 9/10/2017ââ¬Æ' Research Question: To what extent should genetic engineering be extended to humans? And what are the biological/social/legal/ethical/religious implications that arise due to Genetic engineering? Introduction Genetic engineering is the process whereby new DNA is added or existing DNA is altered in an organism s genome. This may involve changing one base pair (A-T or C-G) or deleting entire sections of DNA or adding additional
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Drug And Medicine Of The Medical Field And Classification...
A drug is any material that modifies the central nervous system, brain chemistry or bodily functions. There is no single definition since there are different definitions of the word drug, with regard to medicine, government and street usage. Dictionary.com gives the drug meaning as a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-bein. pharmacotherapy is an important part of the medical field and relies on the science of pharmacology for continual advancement and on pharmacy for suitable department. The world of drug is huge; it has a great history, so it should have classified ; scientistsââ¬â¢ efforts in this field and classification of medicine. Drug is existed form ancient ages in different cultures. Types of drugs in increase because there is increase and development. scientists found a lot about drug and medicine in cultures as ancient Egyptians such Ebers papyrus book in 1550 BC, Old Indian ayruveda book and chinese medicine. There are a lot of authors of antiquity such as Hippocrates and Dioscorides. In the Islamic era they found book written by Ibn al Tabari, one else by Ibn Sina canon Of medicine and another one by Ibn Albaytar (1148-1197) Jame-al-Muffradat. As the huge amounts of drugs and complexity drscribtion of medicine scientists tried to classify drug and medicine . Historically, drugs were discovered through identifying theShow MoreRelatedHealth And The Changing View Of Healthy Health1015 Words à |à 5 Pageshow the perfect individual is supposed to look, and will discuss how the image shows the advancement in medicine and drugs being developed to cure or try to remove certain unwanted qua lities. 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We also got a chance to get a CITI certificate which is very informative and valuable to understand the responsible conduct of research and ethics. Key TakeawayRead MoreThe History of Emergency Medicine Essay2153 Words à |à 9 PagesThe History of Emergency Medicine The history of Emergency Medicine is an inexact study. The actual beginning date is unknown. This paper attempts to combine the facts given from many different sources into one single overview of known history from approximate known dates. It should also be stated that although Emergency Medicine Services, as a system exists all over the United States, it is in no way uniform. The laws governing emergency medical personnel and their actions differ greatly fromRead MoreImplementing Pharmaceutical Modalities Into My Clinic988 Words à |à 4 PagesOver the past 10 years, the pharmaceutical formulary for licensed Naturopathic Physicians has absolutely expanded. 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Yet, with everything they have, the cost to afford these ââ¬Å"benefitsâ⬠have caused many families to become in debt or discussing other options,Read MoreAnalysis Of Health Of Health And Wellness Essay1128 Words à |à 5 Pagespurpose of the paper is to go over the many different views of health, events that made change come true, Iââ¬â¢ll also provide the description of the biomedical model, the transition of the biomedical model into other fields of practice, and an explanation of the development of behavioral medicine. Changes in the Historical Views of Health and Events that Triggered Those Changes In todayââ¬â¢s society many citizens suffer from many types of diseases that many individuals refer to as abnormal or improper. AsRead MoreApplication Of Nanotechnology : Diagnosis And Treatment Of Tumors Essay1080 Words à |à 5 Pagesreceived considerable attention in recent years. 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Ritalin, classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule II narcotic, helps to increase the ability of a person to pay attention, to remain to focus on
Psychology - 1586 Words
Section One ââ¬â 1 When psychology first began to become a science in 1860, it was more of a field of philosophy than an actual medical study. It dealt with a more abstract concept than other medical fields; the human body is something concrete that you can physically look at and study whereas, at the time, you could not physically see the mind. In Ancient Greece thinkers such as Aristotle and Plato could only come up with theories as to how the mind works. Plato believed that some knowledge is innate while Aristotle believed that the ability to learn depended on experience, however neither were able to prove their theories with concrete evidence. As time went on and psychology became more widely known, more theoretical approaches toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The lack of acquisition could lead to the extinction of the conditioned response. It is also possible for the conditioned response to become extinct but the little girl may one day spontaneously recover her fear of s piders. It is also possible that she could develop a fear of all spiders or possibly all insects as she generalizes her fear. Or she could only develop a fear of tarantulas specifically, which would be stimuli discrimination. Section Five ââ¬â 10 Classical conditioning is when a neutral stimulus causes a response when paired with a stimulus that naturally cases a response. Operant conditioning is a type of learning where the consequences of a behavior determine if that action will be repeated. Both classical conditioning and operant condition have stimuli that enforces a behavior, yet the main difference is that in classical condition the learning is not up to the individual but in operant condition the learned behavior is in the hands of the individual. Ivan Pavlov was the main contributor to classical conditioning. While studying the amount of saliva dogs had to certain foods, he noticed that the dogs would salivate while in the harness in anticipation for the food. He then conducted an experiment where he used a bell as he gave the dogs their food and he conditioned them to salivate when hearing the bell. The only limitation to classicalShow MoreRelatedPsychology : Psychology And Psychology162 7 Words à |à 7 Pagescovers the many questions we may have about psychology. It starts with the history and how it has changed throughout the years. It covers some of the many subfields and jobs you can have as a psychologist. It also covers the four big ideas that are associated with psychology. There are many more topics and sub-topics that will be covered within this paper on chapter 1. Section 1-1 Psychological Science is born: This section shows how the heart of psychology changes over time. In 1879, at a germanRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1519 Words à |à 7 PagesPsychology has been defined by many as the study of mental disorder or behavioral problems but discoveries and developments, points to psychology as the study of human mind and its functionality which includes the way we think, act, perceive things and be able to make decisions; all these makes man a complex being. Psychology isnââ¬â¢t just a phenomenon; it is a scientific study. Psychology as a science answers the question ââ¬Å"whyâ⬠, proposes a theory and sets experiment to test the hypothesis. The researchRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology889 Words à |à 4 PagesOne: Psychology Defined Psychology is an exceptionally multifaceted field of study, regardless, it can be commonly defined as the study of mental processes and human behavior. The goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict and control the behavior of others. Psychology incorporates an extensive range of different perspectives into its general principles as well as focuses on securing them with applied research, case studies, evaluations, etc. I first became interested in psychology whenRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1018 Words à |à 5 Pagesof psychology is common to talk about the psychological schools, as these are defined as groups of psychologists who shared a theoretical view and focused psychological problems with a common orientation; these have evolved over time. Psychology was first established as a separate science of biology and philosophy, that s when the real debate over how to describe and explain the human mind and behavior began start, different psychological schools represent the major theories of psychology. TheRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology892 Words à |à 4 PagesWhen you first think of the word psychology, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Well, some people might say they donââ¬â¢t know or some would say itââ¬â¢s something that has to do with the mind and/or human behavior. Psychology which comes from the Greek term ââ¬Å"psycheâ⬠is the study of mental processes and behavior; especially those affecting behavior in a given context. There are several schools of thought in psychology. These schools include: structuralism (Wundt), functionalism (James), gestaltRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1267 Words à |à 6 PagesPaper What is psychology? What impact does psychology have on the world? What does it mean to be a psychologist? These are three important questions that will be investigated throughout this paper. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. Psychology influences many behaviors in the world without anyone noticing. Watson is interested in behaviorism. This means he was interested in the behavior of people and how they act and react. Through his article, Psychology as the BehavioristRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology850 Words à |à 4 PagesPsychology to me is meant to help people understand the complexity of other human beings. We have established the existence of many disorders which are mainly beyond the control of people because of chemical imbalances in the brain. Although with these reasons, we still have attached negative and positive connotations to many disorders. We have created this concept of psychology in order to help us try to find some sense of order in our lives. This can allow us to try rank ourselves next to anotherRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1703 Words à |à 7 PagesPsychology has a lot of jobs to choose from.Any job in psychology is going to be involved helping people. Trying to find out why people do the things they do and trying to predi ct the behavior of people, their emotions, and mental processes. Making sure your child or any person you care about is okay mentally, is important and is the job of people who work in a major in psychology. For this paper, the roles of a psychiatrist, a counselor, and a psychologist will be discussed. The audience will learnRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1300 Words à |à 6 PagesIn Psychology There are six modern psychological perspectives. These perspectives are behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, social, cultural, and biological. Each perspective has its own unique way of explaining human behavior. I think that really explains the complex mental processes and behavior, and each prospective study should not be limited to just one. The following is my explanation of the terms and comparisons between the psychodynamic and behavioral aspects relating to the OctoberRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology Essay2200 Words à |à 9 PagesHow is ps ychology defined today? How did psychology start out being defined originally? Humans have always been interested in understanding their own body, especially the brain itself. Some of the first people to explore psychology were Aristotle and Socrates, (even though some of the things they thought were wrong) of course at the time they did not know what exactly they were studying. https://www.boundless.com/psychology/textbooks/boundless-psychology-textbook/introduction-to-psychology-1/intr
Issues Related Big Data
Question: Discuss the Issues related Big Data? Answer: Introduction: Bettencourt, (2014) presumed that big data is one of the evolving term that helps in doing the descriptions various exponential growth as well as various availability of different data in the both structured as well as unstructured manner. Big data also helps in doing the accurate decision-making. Moreover, Bulbulia, Sibley Wilson, (2014) articulated the definition of big data into the 3 Vs: Velocity, Volume and Variety. Furthermore, big data is also described by using large nature if data sets that cannot be analyze with the help of traditional tools of data processing. Apart from this, some of the primary difficulties depending on big data are storage, sharing, searching and the visualization of various data. Big data becomes identical with various other business concepts like data mining, analytics as well as business intelligence. Background of the study: In this research paper it mainly discusses about the company M-Global doing the feasibility analysis focusing on various issues like economic, Legal, Social as well as ethical issues based on the selected topic of Big data. Researchers also do incorporation of related data sets, real time data, archival of data as well as various unstructured data which basically known as big data. Moreover, big data includes the incorporation of various challenges depending from the technical to the conceptual framework of data. Apart from this, it also deals with the various use of prediction of analysis of various methods in doing the extraction of values from the particular data. Now days big data plays a vital role to maintain large amount of both structured as well as unstructured data from doing the transaction of data to the various government regulations. Rationale of the study: In this particular research study, it mainly evolves with various social, economical, legal as well as ethical issues depending on big data. Moreover, it also discusses about the overall sizes of data sets that becomes one of the large part of the equation of data sets (Couldry Powell, 2014). It mainly involves with various feasibility analyses of big data focusing on different aspects and discusses about the large nature of data sets that becomes very difficult to maintain that large nature of data sets. Now days with the advancement of various technologies, it also discusses about the correlation of big data relation to various nature of issues associated with big data (Dhar, 2014). Therefore, most of the companies like IBM are using big data in order to maintain their all data bases as well as data sets. This particular study also focuses on various issues concerning with big data based on the different functions of M-Global. Research aims and objectives Aims of the research study: The research aim of this particular study is to do the investigation of various economical, legal, social as well as ethical issues regarding the implementation of big data. The primary aim of this study mainly helps in doing the examination of various potential issues of the implementation of big data. it also includes the recommendation of various appropriate methods in doing the resolution of various issues regarding the big data implementation. Objectives of the research study To investigate the economical, social, legal and ethical issues of implementing big dataanalytic tools To examine potential issues regarding big data implementation in warehousing To recommend appropriate methods for resolving the issues that relates to big data implementation Research questions What are the economical, legal, social and the ethical issues in doing the implementation of big data? What are the appropriate methods to resolve the issues related to big data implementation? What are the potential issues that concerning the big data implementation? Literature review In this particular research paper, it does the identification as well as examination of various legal, social, economical and ethical issues based on the implications of big data. Moreover, with the identification of these issues as well as understanding of various positive and negative externalities by the big data it discusses about technological impacts of big data. The practices of big data mainly deal with various data from the different people as well as all these human elements reflect various social as well as moral codes in doing the business. This particular paper also offers the analysis of various opportunities in the relation to big data as well as various issues concerning the big data in the case of examining the opportunities. Economical issues associated with Big Data: Big data does the implication of various economic issues that have both the positive as well as negative impacts. However, big data acts as the catalyst for doing the various innovations at the time of doing the development of big data in order to incorporate all the strategies to derive the various benefits in the terms of doing the capturing various efficiencies regarding the big data of different sectors. Therefore, all these efficiencies can create the negative impacts that also include the various downsizing of different workforces. Furthermore, the explosion of big data analytics direct various industry actors, policy makers etc in order to view the data as the resources that also have the value that helps in order to boost the economy. For instance, Big Data has largely helped many developed economy such as UK, Japan, etc. Through this tool, the economies are able to collect, transmit, store, analyze and act on the data. As a result, the economies are well able to collect right amount of data related to weather or crop plantings. On the other hand, the history of plant including rainfall, sprayings, etc is easily collected which helps in making effective plan so that best value can be generated. Moreover, through big data, the economies are able to predict the weather for any particular region. Therefore, if they found that there will be high amount of rainfall then they alert the government to prepare themselves to tackle such situation. Social and ethical issues associated with Big Data: Big data helps in doing the implication of various social as well as ethical issues like discrimination, privacy, trusts, manipulation as well as exploitation. Moreover, in doing the description of various big data practices it mainly deals with various data from the people and the human elements that mainly focus on both the moral as well as social codes. Therefore, all these issues are needed in doing the recognition that helps in doing the incorporation of various fundamental ethical and social issues related to the big data practices. Various issues related to the social as well as ethical issues needs to do the recognition that helps the organization in order to incorporate various fundamental ethical as well as social values related to the big data policies and practices. For example, the big data has lead to development of mHealth Alliance which is a public health group. It helps in analyzing the data that has been transmitted from the mobile phones of patients in nations such as South Africa and Bangladesh. Therefore, it helps in providing security and privacy of the patients in healthcare. Moreover, the healthcare is well-connected with the patients and they are able to acquire enough data about the patients well-being. On the other hand, in order to understand the ethical issues, an example will be useful. It has been seen that Snapchat, a mobile messaging tool, has failed in protecting the privacy of message exchanged between two people due to lots of ad popping up. As a result, it raised question on ethicality of the company which badly hit them. On the other hand, WhatsApp worked on No Ads philosophy which helped in protecting the data of messengers. It shows ethical conduct of the company and as a result, the company gained 450 million in quick time as users. Legal issues related to the big data: Both the processing and collection of big data raises to the numbers of legal issues related to the context of contracting, property right and licensing. Therefore, big data causes various implications for doing the data protection as well as privacy that can leads to the numbers of jurisdictions problems. Moreover, the numbers of potential legal issues helps to raise both the negative and positive externalities that include various rights in doing the processing of big data. Legal issues arises mainly in the relation to the context of big data that includes various intellectual rights, contract issues and also the privacy risks associated with the implications of the due process. Furthermore, legal issues also highlight the existing gaps between the legal framework and the technological capabilities based on various uncertain outcomes for the economic development. Legal issues help in doing either the support or control the development of big data industry as well as recognition in the terms of doing the understanding about the framework based on big data. Legal concern has risen with the rise of big data. The States of the nation is well involved in establishing privacy laws in relation to use of big data such as California Online Privacy Protection Act. This helps in protecting the data and pose legal action if anyone found guilty. On the other hand, European Union has also imposed number of laws and restrictions on the companies in regards to the breach of data. Research Methodology According to Mangiameli, (2015), research methodology depicts in doing the overview of various composition of different components regarding the entire research that includes various research approach, research data and design. Therefore, the research design and methodology is mainly deals about the various procedures based on which the researcher becomes able in drawing the conclusion of this particular research study. Hence, the researcher imposes the concentration in doing the recognition of the significance for the every step of the research methods (Minnitt, 2014). In order to analyze the selected information researcher uses several research methodology tools such as research approach, research philosophy, research design, research methods, sample and sampling techniques etc. Research approach Mainly the research studies any one of the two existing research approaches. Moreover, the two research approaches are deductive approaches as well as inductive approaches. The deductive research approaches helps in doing the evaluation of various existing approaches with the various support of data analysis (Sowe Zettsu, 2014). On the other hand, the inductive approach helps in doing the various observations, data analysis, data collection as well as various theory building models. The deductive approach of this particular research study follows various theories, testing of hypothesis, confirmation as well as observation of various objectives of this particular research study. The fundamental reason in doing the adoption of the deductive research approach will be suitable which also involves in this particular research study with the evaluation of the various existing theories about the topic of big data and also the various factors which can causes various impacts in the occurring of big data (Steinhaus, 2014). However, on the other side, both the analysis as well as findings part of the research study justify all the mentioned research theories in doing the relation of the social, legal as well as economical factors of big data. Therefore, depending on current information as well as according to the nature of research study, the deductive approach will become suitable for doing the present research study (Xu, Zhao Wang, 2013). Research Design The research design helps in doing the research study by doing the establishment of suitable framework of the entire research study. The research works helps in doing the research design in order to assemble the various objectives depending on the research study. The researcher helps in doing the adoption descriptive nature of design depending on the present research study (Zurigat, Sartawi Aleassa, 2014). Therefore, the reason in doing the adoption of the descriptive design for this particular research study helps the researcher in the terms of doing the relation of various findings of the research study concerning both the aims as well as objectives. The descriptive nature of the research study also helps it support the researcher with the various research questions including who, what, when and whom of this particular research study. Therefore, due to the descriptive nature of the research designs mainly relates the analysis of quantitative data. The different collected data are evaluated in doing the data analysis sections with the help of various diagrams, graphs, charts etc. Apart from this, this particular research study requires the in-depth description in the terms of doing the conclusion about the various concerning issues regarding big data. Sampling method At the time of doing this particular research study, the techniques of doing sampling is becomes vital purpose, particularly during the gathering various information of primary data with the help of the survey. Moreover, the probability of doing the sampling procedure mainly follows the different aspects like cluster sampling, random sampling and stratified sampling. According to the aim and objectives of this research study, the researcher needs to deal with both the primary as well as secondary data (Zwitter, 2014). On the other side, the sample size mainly implies the numbers of the people who are surveyed in doing the research study. The sample size also depicts the various numbers of the respondents who are chosen to collect the primary data with the help of various questionnaire methods. The researcher therefore, decided to take the 60 respondents as the sample size. It becomes easier to evaluate all the concepts with the various review questions. Data collection method The appropriate data collection method helps the researcher in the terms of doing the achievement of various expected results. Moreover, the process of doing the data collection varies from one research study to the other (Zwitter, 2014). The objectives of the research study helps in doing the evaluation of various impacts of big data in order to establish the link between the objectives of the research study. Furthermore, the precise of data collection also helps in providing the reliable and valid results based on this particular research study. The two different type of data collection methods are primary and secondary data collection methods. The primary collection method mainly evolves with the quantitative method of data analysis. On the other hand, the secondary data are collected from the various historical consequences of data sets. Data analysis In doing, the analysis of data with the help of appropriate analytical tools at the time of the data analysis supports the researcher in order to illustrate the research study. Mainly the selected methods of doing data analysis evolved with various numerical data that are collected from various primary and secondary resources (Zurigat, Sartawi Aleassa, 2014). Moreover, the strengths in doing the research study with the help of survey helps to test both the reliabilities as well as validity of different data. In addition, this particular technique of data analysis is more time consuming in order to collect as well as analyze the data. Ethical issue In order to discuss various ethical issues of the research study may follows various codes of different ethics. This particular code also helps in order to depict the researcher the process to conduct the research study. Conclusion This particular research study mainly concludes various feasibility aspects concerning the big data. It also helps in order to focus all the concerning issues associated with the analysis of big data. Moreover, in this research paper it also discusses about the various issues regarding the concepts of doing the data analysis as well as various ethical issues. This particular study also helps in doing the examination of various impacts of big data on the all the fields of M-Global. All the data needs to be more accurate which will helps in drawing various ideas concerning big data. Reference List Bettencourt, L. (2014). The Uses of Big Data in Cities.Big Data,2(1), 12-22. doi:10.1089/big.2013.0042 Bulbulia, J., Sibley, C., Wilson, M. (2014). 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Analysis Of Amazon Management And Work Culture - Case Study
Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Amazon Management and Work Culture. Answer: Introduction: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the case study based on the management and work culture at Amazon. An evaluation of the situation of the work culture at Amazon shall be carried on. Management concepts and theories are evident for every organizational activity (Rosenberg Hansen and Ferlie 2016). It is expected that the leaders and the managers of an organization shall undertake the best approach to carry out the business activities. Thus, the case study shall be related to the management concept and theories. Based on the analysis, certain recommendations can be made that could possibly help the organization to create a better workplace culture for the employees. It is expected that if the management would undertake better managerial approach, the organizational activities shall improve. 2. Analysis of the case study: Reading the case study of Amazon, it has been evident that the organization has been facing some challenges in terms of its management. It has been evident that the employees are not treated well in the organization. The organizational culture has been accused for tearing apart the ideas of the employees and carry out secret transmission of messages (Kantor and Streitfeld 2015). There are serious concerns of sabotage of the employees. Employees suffering from any kind of health issues are not given proper attention and they are treated in a poor manner. The top performers do not get the right level of appreciation that they deserve and the poor performers are usually terminated. It has been found that the CEO, Jeff Bezos does not undertake popular management approaches to improve the organizational culture and workplace atmosphere, instead keeps looking for more innovative and ambitious approaches to increase the profitability of the organization. Technologically, the company has been found to raise high and has provide every nimble of opportunity to the employees that they can carry out their activities with much efficiency. The campus of Amazon is no less than a big tech organization (Kantor and Streitfeld 2015). Thus, it can be said that focus has been made on improving the image of the company among its stakeholders rather than focusing on the internal employees who are responsible for achieving the overall organizational activities. This has significantly made Jeff the fifth wealthiest man. Amazon has been successful in grabbing many customers and has been serving customers well (Kantor and Streitfeld 2015). However, when it comes to treating the employ ees, the online retail giant has failed considerably. The only thing that motivated the employees is the brand image of the company and thinking it Big. The traditional bureaucratic structure of the organization has exhibited employees from creating any control or ownership on the organization. When it comes to monitoring the employees, it has been found that strict control is kept on monitoring the employees of the organization (Kantor and Streitfeld 2015). It has been found that the condition of the warehouses is very poor. The temperature of the warehouses happened to reach more than 100 degree. To save the employees, ambulances were made available to the employees. Thus, it can be easily said that the company always focused on improving their relationship with the customers rather than with the employees. Therefore, it can be said that the management needs to focus on treating the employees right. Application of management theories: With the evaluation of the case study, it has been well recognized that the management lacks the proper approach towards motivating and treating the employees in the right way. Therefore, management theories related to motivating the employees shall be discussed here: Expectancy theory: According to the expectancy theory of management, it is expected that the employees act in a specific way they are treated or motivated at the workplace (Morschett et al. 2015). It is when the employees are motivated in the right way, the desirability of their outcome can be determined (Lindebaum 2016). The theory emphasizes on the factor that the employees should be rewarded on the basis of their performance. This reward could be in terms of incentives or by giving them the right hike in their position. Vroom further explained that when the expectations of the employees are met, there remains better opportunity for the employees to come up with better approach to improve the business activities (George 2015). Leadership style: There are a number of leadership styles that are practiced in an organization. The autocratic and the bureaucratic form of leadership are the traditional forms of leadership that is practices in major organizations (Kersiene and Savaneviciene 2015). However, there needs to changes in the leadership style to incorporate the innovative ideas and thinking of the employees in the organization (Miner 2015). This type of leadership approach is called the transformational or the transactional forms of leadership, where the employees are also given the opportunity to participate in the overall business activities. Conventional leadership: According to the conventional leadership approach, the managers and the leaders focus on the technological perspective of leadership rather than relying on the activities of the employees. These leaders rely on the technological advancement in order to carry out their business activities (Haslam et al. 2014). The leaders are decisive and they do not consult others in the organization before making any kind of decision. They are more focused on the actions and the result rather than taking care of the perspective of the employees. The Schwartz value model: According to this model, there are a number of factors that motivates the employees and creates values among the employees of the organization (Morschett et al. 2015). These are essential approaches that the leader or the manager in an organization needs to make to improve the productivity and the functionality of the organization. For instance, the theory has talked about the conservation and security of the employees (Kantola 2015). It is important to keep a trace of the safety and the conformity of the actions and stability of the employee in the organization. In addition to this, the theory also talks about self-transcendence those talks about preservation and universalism of appreciating the employees when they participate in any major organizational activities (Al Ariss et al. 2014). Recommendations for adapting better strategies: As it has been evident that the employees are not at all satisfied with the organization, the management should focus on improving the situation. In order to improve the organizational situation, a number of strategic recommendations can be suggested here: Better leadership approach: Jeff Bezos has been successful as a businessman and has been able to gather huge fortune for himself but as a leader, he has failed. Therefore, it is highly recommended to undertake a better leadership approach that could support the organizational culture (Modaff et al. 2016). It can be easily said that the employees at Amazon are well qualified, experienced and capable enough to undertake major strategic decisions. Therefore, it is recommended that rather than focusing on conventional and the bureaucratic form of leadership, transformational leadership approach can be undertaken. Better motivational factors: It has been evident that the organization lacks motivation. The employees are not at all satisfied and motivated at the workplace. Therefore, it is highly recommended to come up with certain approaches that would eventually motivate the employees. Apart from the monthly pay, the employees can be benefitted with certain incentives or bonuses (Donaldson et al. 2013). In fact, the employees should also be given certain opportunity to participate in the decision making of the business. This will eventually boost up their morale and spirit to work for their organization. Focusing on the safety measures: It has also been evident that the employees work under certain drastic situations that are not safe for them. These situations, for no doubt reduce the morale of the employees and tend to create a non-performing attitude among them. This has been evident among the employees of Amazon (Touboulic and Walker 2015). They have to work under certain situations that are very unsafe. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the management should undertake certain approach to make the organization a safer place for the employees to work. Conclusion: The study had focused on the management style and the leadership approach at Amazon. It has been evident that the employees are not satisfied working at the organization. The leadership approach and the organizational culture can be considered as the most evident reasons behind the poor condition of the management. Understanding the management concepts and theories, it can be said that the leadership approach is creating hindrance in the organization. The management also does not undertake any kind of motivational approach to motivate the employees. In addition to this, the organization is more focused towards the technological perspective rather than focusing on the needs of the employees. Keeping these situations into consideration, a number of recommendations have been made. It is expected that the management should focus on the leadership and the motivational factors of the employees. If the managers undertake these approaches, it can be said that the organizational situation wou ld change. References: Al Ariss, A., Cascio, W.F. and Paauwe, J., 2014. Talent management: Current theories and future research directions.Journal of World Business,49(2), pp.173-179. Donaldson, L., Qiu, J. and Luo, B.N., 2013. For rigour in organizational management theory research.Journal of Management Studies,50(1), pp.153-172. George, G., 2015. Expanding context to redefine theories: Africa in management research.Management and Organization Review,11(01), pp.5-10. Haslam, S.A., van Knippenberg, D., Platow, M.J. and Ellemers, N. eds., 2014.Social identity at work: Developing theory for organizational practice. Psychology Press. Kantola, J., 2015.Organizational Resource Management: Theories, Methodologies, and Applications. CRC Press. Kantor, J. and Streitfeld, D., 2015. Inside Amazon: Wrestling big ideas in a bruising workplace.New York Times,15, pp.74-80. Kersiene, K. and Savaneviciene, A., 2015. The Formation and Management of Organizational Competence Based on CrossCultural Perspective.Engineering Economics,65(5). Lindebaum, D., 2016. Critical Essay: Building new management theories on sound data? The case of neuroscience.human relations,69(3), pp.537-550. Miner, J.B., 2015.Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge. Modaff, D.P., Butler, J.A. and DeWine, S.A., 2016.Organizational communication: Foundations, challenges, and misunderstandings. Pearson. Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H. and Zentes, J., 2015.Strategic international management. Springer. Rosenberg Hansen, J. and Ferlie, E., 2016. Applying strategic management theories in public sector organizations: Developing a Typology.Public Management Review,18(1), pp.1-19. Touboulic, A. and Walker, H., 2015. Theories in sustainable supply chain management: a structured literature review.International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management,45(1/2), pp.16-42.
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